
Tap into the Pulse of Fashion with Influencer Data


Stay on top of the fashion scene by analyzing data from the trendsetters themselves. Our Influencer Data Analysis keeps you updated on the latest style trends influencers are endorsing.

  • Global influencer tracking: Track what influencers around the world are wearing and endorsing.

  • Influencer impact analysis: Understand the potential impact of influencers on emerging fashion trends.

  • Demographic targeting: Identify influencers who resonate with your target demographic.


Celebrities: Trendsetters That Shape the Fashion Landscape

Celebrities often dictate the pace of fashion. Our Celebrity Data Analysis provides insights on celebrity-driven trends, helping you make informed design and inventory decisions.

  • Celebrity trend tracking: Stay updated on what your favorite celebrities are wearing.

  • Event-based analysis: Analyze celebrity fashion data from red carpet events, award shows, and public appearances.

  • Celebrity brand affiliation: Understand the relationships between celebrities and brands, and their impact on trends.


Fashion Shows

Fashion Shows: The Epicenter of Emerging Trends


Fashion shows set the stage for new trends. Our Fashion Show Data Analysis gives you a first look at the styles destined to make waves in the upcoming season.

  • Runway trend analysis: Capture and analyze emerging trends from fashion shows around the world.

  • Designer insights: Understand the creative direction of top designers.

  • Seasonal trend predictions: Use fashion show data to predict trends for the upcoming season.


E-commerce Data: Your Direct Line to Consumer Preferences

E-commerce data provides a wealth of insights into consumer behavior. Our E-commerce Data Analysis allows you to understand what styles customers are buying and loving.

  • Product popularity analysis: Understand which products are trending on various online platforms.

  • Review analysis: Analyze customer reviews to identify favored features and common complaints.

  • Sales trend analysis: Analyze sales data to forecast popular future trends.
